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2024/09 |
Technical improvement of IAA detection from 10-μm thin sections using nano-LC(日本植物学会第88回大会)
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2022/11 |
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2022/03 |
Development of single-cell metabolomics in Arabidopsis root using live single-cell mass spectrometry coupled with nanoflow-liquid chromatography(第63回日本植物生理学会年会)
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2021/09 |
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2021/03 |
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2020/12 |
Improvement of live single-cell mass spectrometry system for plant single-cell metabolite analysis(The 43th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan)
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2020/03 |
Impact of O-acetylation of xyloglucans on seed germination performance(第61回日本植物生理学会年会)
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2020/03 |
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2019/04 |
Impact of cell wall remodelling on seed germination performance in a changing environment(AgreenSkills 6th Annual Meeting)
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2018/03 |
Zmphot1 functions according to the extent of its fluence-dependent phosphorylation(第59回日本植物生理学会年会)
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2017/03 |
トウモロコシ幼葉鞘の光屈性における Zmphot1 の光量依存的なリン酸化の解析(第58回日本植物生理学会年会)
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2016/03 |
Light switches on the gravi-sensitivity of maize roots by inducing de novo IAA biosynthesis in root apex(第57回日本植物生理学会年会)
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2016/03 |
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2015/07 |
Subcellular localization and interaction of Zmphot1 and ZmNPH3-like proteins(International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2015)
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2015/06 |
Light and root cap-dependent gravitropism of maize root requires auxin biosynthesis(Annual Meeting of Plant Signaling and Behavior 2015)
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2015/03 |
Tip specific blue-light perception and IAA biosynthesis in maize coleoptiles; in relation to first positive phototropism(The 2nd International Symposium on Plant Environmental Sensing)
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2014/10 |
Tip specific photo-perception in maize coleoptile(XII France-Japan Workshop on Plant Science 2014 Plant Responses to Environment)
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2014/10 |
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2014/10 |
トウモロコシ芽生えにおけるIAAの生合成と長距離輸送(植物化学調節学会第 49 回大会)
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2014/10 |
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2014/07 |
A 2,4-D analog exhibits an inhibition on auxins influx in Arabidopsis thaliana(41st Annual Meeting of the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America)
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2014/07 |
Tip specific photoperception causing phototropism in maize coleoptile(Annual Meeting of The American Society of Plant Biologists 2014)
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2014/03 |
Blue Light Regulation of ZmPHOT1 and ZmPHOT2 Genes and a Possible Involvement of Zmphot1 on Phototropism in Maize Coleoptiles(第55回日本植物生理学会年会)
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2013/09 |
Rapid modification of ZmPHOT1 after blue light stimulation in maize coleoptiles(日本植物学会第77回大会)
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2013/07 |
Possible involvement of ZmPHOT1 and ZmPHOT2 in blue light perception to phototropic curvature in maize coleoptiles(Annual Meeting of Plant Signaling and Behavior 2013)
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2012/08 |
Changes in IAA distribution and expression pattern of ZmSAUR2 after photo-stimulation in maize coleoptiles(Plant Biology Congress Freiburg 2012)