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2024/12/07 |
ヒト血清アルブミン融合ヒトラクトフェリンの肺がん細胞に対するp53とフェロトーシスの検討(大学コンソーシアム八王子 第16回学生発表会)
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2024/11/09 |
in vitro 脊髄損傷モデルにおけるヒトラクトフェリン模倣ペプチドChBpの神 経再生とオートファジー活性化(日本ラクトフェリン学会 第11回学術集会)
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2024/11/09 |
アルブミン融合ヒトラクトフェリンの肺ガン細胞遊走阻害: NHE7を介したオルガネラpH恒常性破綻(日本ラクトフェリン学会 第11回学術集会)
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2024/11/09 |
ヒトラクトフェリン模倣ペプチド(ChBp)のヒト肺ガン細胞へのエンドサイト ーシスによる取り込み(日本ラクトフェリン学会 第11回学術集会)
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2024/11/09 |
ヒト血清アルブミン融合ヒトラクトフェリンによる肺がん細胞における細胞分裂死の誘導の可能性(日本ラクトフェリン学会 第11回学術集会)
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2024/11/09 |
脊髄損傷モデルにおけるヒトラクトフェリンとアルブミン融合ヒトラクト フェリンの神経再生(日本ラクトフェリン学会 第11回学術集会)
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2024/11/08 |
Development of chitin-specific detection method using functionally-modified human chitotriosidase(The 8th Congress of Asia-Pacific Society for Medical Mycology (APSMM2024))
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2024/11/08 |
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2024/11/06 |
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2024/08/31 |
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2024/03/31 |
スズメバチに含まれるキチナーゼ阻害剤の単離、合成と機能解明(日本昆虫学会第84回大会・第68回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会 合同大会)
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2024/03/30 |
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2024/03/29 |
Albumin fusion to human lactoferrin inhibits lung cancer cell migration through EMT suppression,(第144回日本薬学会(横浜))
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2024/03/29 |
ヒトラクトフェリン模倣ペプチドChBpのガン細胞内取り込み -細胞固定方法によるartifact -(第144回日本薬学会(横浜))
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2024/03/29 |
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2023/12/10 |
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2023/09/16 |
Albumin fusion to human lactoferrin enhances its anti-EMT effects on human lung adenocarcinor 14 cells(第67回日本薬学会関東支部大会)
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2023/09/16 |
In vitro脊髄損傷モデルでのアルブミン融合により増強するヒトラクトフェリンの神経再生(第67回日本薬学会関東支部大会)
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2023/09/16 |
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2023/09/16 |
コンドロイチン硫酸Eユニット結合ペプチドのIn vitro脊髄損傷モデルでの神経再生(第67回日本薬学会関東支部大会)
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2023/09/16 |
22. |
2023/08/21 |
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2023/03/27 |
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2023/03/22 |
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2023/03/14 |
26. |
2022/12/07 |
“ Different mucosal adjuvanticity of polymyxin B for influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2,”(第51回日本免疫学会学術集会)
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2022/11 |
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2022/09/17 |
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2022/08/26 |
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2022/08/22 |
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2022/08/22 |
小田切崇,吉野直人,木村将大,村木靖, “PMBの粘膜アジュバント作用:全粒子不活化インフルエンザウイルスを用いた検討,”(第74回日本細菌学会東北支部会総会)
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2022/07/15 |
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2022/07/07 |
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2022/03/26 |
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2021/08/26 |
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2021/07/01 |
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2021/03/28 |
“ヒトとマウスキトトリオシダーゼのアミノ酸218位の置換による活性の変化,”(日本薬学会 第141年会)
38. |
2021/03/27 |
“β-1,6-グルカナーゼの機能改変による高感度β-1,6-グルカン測定法と応用,”(日本薬学会 第141年会)
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2021/03/24 |
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2021/03/21 |
“ヒトとマウスキトトリオシダーゼのアミノ酸218位の置換による活性の評価,”(日本農芸化学会 2021年度(令和3年度)大会)
41. |
2020/03/27 |
“ヒトとマウスキトトリオシダーゼの糖転移活性評価,”(日本農芸化学会 2020年度(令和2年度)大会)
42. |
2019/10/18 |
“Evaluations of enzymatic properties for human and mouse chitotriosidase.”(The 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG))
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2019/10/18 |
“Mouse chitinases have no synergistic effects on degradation of chitin.”(The 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG))
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2019/10/16 |
“Comparative analysis of function between human and mouse chitotriosidase.”(The 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG))
45. |
2019/08/28 |
“FACE 法によるマウスキチナーゼの相乗効果の決定,”(第33回日本キチン・キトサン学会大会)
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2019/08/28 |
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2019/03/29 |
“マウスキチナーゼの相互作用に関する研究,”(日本農芸化学会 2019年度(平成31年度)大会)
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2018/12/08 |
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2018/10/17 |
“Comparison of chitinolytic properties of mouse Chit1 and AMCase with Serratia marcescens chitinase B.”(The 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG))
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2018/10/06 |
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2018/08/29 |
“Functional differences between human and mouse chitotriosidase.”(14th International Chitin and Chitosan Conference (14th ICCC) &12th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (12th APCCS), (Joint with 32nd Japanese Society for Chitin and Chitosan Conference))
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2018/08/28 |
“Acidic mammalian chitinase is a major chitinase in stomach resistant to pepsin and trypsin/chymotrypsin digestion.”(14th International Chitin and Chitosan Conference (14th ICCC) &12th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (12th APCCS), (Joint with 32nd Japanese Society for Chitin and Chitosan Conference))
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2018/08/28 |
“Comparison of chitinolytic activities among mammalian chitinases and bacterial chitinase.”(14th International Chitin and Chitosan Conference (14th ICCC) &12th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (12th APCCS), (Joint with 32nd Japanese Society for Chitin and Chitosan Conference))
54. |
2018/03/17 |
“2種類のマウスほ乳類キチナーゼのキチナーゼ活性比較,”(日本農芸化学会 2018年度(平成30年度)大会)
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2018/03/17 |
“ヒト酸性ほ乳類キチナーゼの nonsynonymous SNPs による活性の調節,”(日本農芸化学会 2018年度(平成30年度)大会)
56. |
2017/11/02 |
“Characterization of Escherichia coli-produced mouse chitotriosidase and human chitotriosidase.”(The 16th International Symposium on Advanced Technology (ISAT-16))
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2017/11/02 |
“Comparative analysis of mouse mammalian chitinases and Serratia marcescens chitinase B.”(The 16th International Symposium on Advanced Technology (ISAT-16))
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2017/11/02 |
“Enzymatic properties of acidic mammalian chitinase under somatic tissue pH conditions.”(The 16th International Symposium on Advanced Technology (ISAT-16))
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2017/10/19 |
“Comparison of chitinolytic activities among mammalian chitinases and bacterial chitinase.”(The 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG))
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2017/08/24 |
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2017/08/23 |
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2017/08/23 |
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2017/06/17 |
“キチンオリゴ糖蛍光標識法の開発と酸性ほ乳類キチナーゼの特性解析への展開,”(第6回 医薬工3大学包括連携推進シンポジウム)
64. |
2016/11/01 |
“マウスキトトリオシダーゼの生理的条件下におけるキチン分解産物の解析,”(The 3st Innovation Forum of Advanced Engineering and Education (IFAEE))
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2016/10/21 |
“Functional analysis of acidic mammalian chitinase under physiological conditions.”(The 66th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG))
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2016/10/20 |
“Protein A-mouse Chit1-V5-His expressed in Escherichia coli possesses chitinase functions comparable to CHO-expressed protein.”(The 66th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG))
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2016/08/19 |
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2016/08/18 |
“AMCase による酸性~中性条件キチン分解産物の解析,(第30回日本キチン・キトサン学会大会)
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2016/08/18 |
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2016/06/18 |
“マウスキトトリオシダーゼの生理的条件下での機能,”(第5回 医薬工3大学包括連携推進シンポジウム)
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2016/03/28 |
“マウスキトトリオシダーゼの大腸菌のペリプラズムでの発現,”(日本農芸化学会 2016年度(平成28年度)大会)
72. |
2015/11/02 |
“Characterization of Escherichia coli-produced mouse chitotriosidase.”(The 14th International Symposium on Advanced Technology (ISAT-14))
73. |
2015/10/09 |
“Expression and characterization of catalytic domain of mouse AMCase in Escherichia coli.”(The 65th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG))
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2015/10/08 |
“Enzymatic properties of mouse chitotriosidase expressed in Escherichia coli.”(The 65th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG))
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2015/08/20 |
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2015/08/20 |
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2015/08/20 |
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2015/03/28 |
“マウス酸性哺乳類キチナーゼの触媒ドメインの大腸菌での発現とその性質,”(日本農芸化学会 2015年度(平成27年度)大会)
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2014/11/02 |
“Expression of mouse chitotriosidase in Escherichia coli.”(The 1st Innovation Forum of Advanced Engineering and Education (IFAEE))
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2014/10/20 |
“Enzymatic properties of the catalytic domain of mouse acidic mammalian chitinase expressed in Escherichia coli.”(The 64th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG))
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2014/08/07 |
“Acidic Mammalian Chitinase の触媒ドメインの大腸菌での発現,”(第28回キチン・キトサンシンポジウム)