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2024/12/04 |
A Mouthguard Biosensor with Chitosan Biopolymer for Real-Time Uric Acid Measurement in Saliva(The 9th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2024))
2. |
2024/03/29 |
A Headset-Type Gas Sensor for Continuous Monitoring of Ethanol Gas Emissions from Humans(IEEJ International Meeting on Sensors and Microsystems for Sustainable Development Goals 2024)
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2024/01/26 |
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2024/01/22 |
乳酸モニタリングを目指したモバイルイメージングシステムの開発(第30回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム (mate 2024))
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2023/12/15 |
Enzyme-embedded electrospun polymeric microfiber sensor for fluorometric ethanol gas detection(Bio4Apps 2023)
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2023/12/15 |
Sensing and imaging of acetone vapor based on enzymatic biofluorometry(Bio4Apps 2023)
7. |
2023/12/14 |
Biofluorometric sensors for monitoring of transcutaneous VOCs from the ear canal(Bio4Apps 2023)
8. |
2023/12/14 |
Wireless mouthguard thermistor for unconstrained monitoring of intra-oral temperature(Bio4Apps 2023)
9. |
2023/12/13 |
Headset bio-sniffer with wireless CMOS camera for monitoring of ethanol vapor from the ear canal(Bio4Apps 2023)
10. |
2023/11/21 |
Mouthguard Biosensor Integrated with Bluetooth Telemetry System for Continuous Measurement of Uric Acid in Saliva(ISBE 2023)
11. |
2023/06/05 |
Biofluorometric sensors for monitoring of transcutaneous VOCs from the ear canal(33st Anniversary World Congress of Biosensors)
12. |
2023/06/05 |
Gas-phase biosensor based on fluorometric imaging by S-ADH (secondary-alcohol dehydrogenase) for breath acetone(33st Anniversary World Congress of Biosensors)
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2023/06/05 |
Long-range surface plasmon aptasensor for label-free vancomycin monitoring(33st Anniversary World Congress of Biosensors)
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2023/06/05 |
Mobile imaging system and paper-based biosensor for monitoring lactate in human body(33st Anniversary World Congress of Biosensors)
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2023/06/05 |
Mouthguard biosensor covered with cellulose acetate integrated with telemetry system for in-vivo measurement of salivary glucose(33st Anniversary World Congress of Biosensors)
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2023/03/28 |
A Wearable Biosensor Integrated with Telemetry System for Noninvasive Monitoring of Chemicals in saliva(International Meeting on Sensors and Microsystems for SDGs 2023)
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2023/01/24 |
尿酸の計測により創傷部位のモニタリングを行うwound sensorに関する研究(第29回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム)
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2022/11/25 |
Wearable biosensor and gas sensor for non-invasive monitoring of human metabolism(The 7th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2022))
19. |
2022/11/14 |
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2022/11/14 |
21. |
2022/11/14 |
22. |
2022/11/14 |
23. |
2021/10/20 |
Wearable Mouthguard Biosensor for In vivo Salivary Glucose Measurement(Analytical and Bioanalytical Methods 2021)
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2021/07/26 |
Mouthguard glucose sensor with Prussian blue as an electron-transfer mediator for reduction of influence of salivary contaminants(31st Anniversary World Congress of Biosensors)
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2021/07/26 |
Skin gas monitoring device with ethanol biochemical gas sensor and gas concentrator(31st Anniversary World Congress of Biosensors)
26. |
2021/05/17 |
Acetone Bio-Sniffer (Gas-Phase Biosensor) for Monitoring of Human Volatile Using Enzymatic Reaction of Secondary Alcohol Dehydrogenase(8th International Symposium on Sensor Science)
27. |
2021/04/12 |
Monitoring of skin volatiles using gas-phase biosensor for the non-invasive evalution of volatile blood compounds(OPTICS&PHOTONICS International Congress 2021)
28. |
2020/12/14 |
Wearable Biosensors & Bio-Imaging System of Volatile Organic Coumpounds for Healthcare Monitoring(IEEE-NANOMED 2020)
29. |
2020/03/01 |
Bio-fluorometric sniff-cam (gas-imaging system) for human breath and skin gas analysis(Pittcon 2020)
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2020 |
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2020 |
32. |
2020 |
33. |
2019/06/16 |
Mouthguard biosensor “cavitous sensor” for monitoring of saliva glucose integrated with telemetry system(6th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology)
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2019/06/16 |
Skin gas monitoring system using high-sensitive ethanol bio-sniffer (gas-phase biosensor) using transdermal gas concentrating device(6th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology)
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2018/09/25 |
Acetone bio-sniffer (biochemical gas sensor) for breath acetone as a volatile organic compound of lipid metabolism,(The 3rd International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-3))
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2018/06/12 |
Direct skin gas monitoring system using high-sensitive ethanol bio-sniffer (gas-phase biosensor) by detecting NADH consumption on enzymatic reaction(Biosensors 2018)
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2017 |
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2016/11/10 |
Mouthguard and soft contact lens biosensors for non-invasive cavitas-monitoring(International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering,)
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2016/09/04 |
Ethanol vapor imaging system “sniffer camera” for evaluation of alcohol metabolism from breath and palm skin gas(Eurosensors2016)
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2016/07/31 |
Fluorometric imaging system "Sniffer-cam" for huma breath and skin gas in evaluation of alcohol metabolism(2016 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics)
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2016/06/16 |
Mouthguard biosensor “cavitous sensor” for monitoring of saliva glucose integrated with telemetry system(6th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology)
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2016/05/25 |
2D fluorometric sniff-cam with ADH immobilized mesh and UV-LED sheet for gaseous ethanol imaging from a palm skin(Biosensors 2016)
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2016/05/25 |
A wireless (BLE) mouthguard-biosensor with dental materials for real-time measurement of saliva glucose in oral cavity,(Biosensors 2016)
44. |
2015/12/15 |
Non-invasive mouth guard biosensor for continuous measurement of saliva glucose(Pacifichem 2015)
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2015/12/08 |
Mouth guard type biosensor “cavitous sensor” for monitoring of saliva glucose with telemetry system(The 9th International Conference on Sensing Technology,ICST 2015)
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2015/11/01 |
A two-dimensional fluorometric imaging “sniffer camera” of ethanol vapor for evaluation of alcohol metabolism using enzymatic reaction(IEEE SENSORS 2015)
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2015/07/13 |
Sniff-Camera For Imaging of Gaseous Ethanol From Palm Skin After Drinking(4th International Symposium on Sensor Science (I3S 2015))
48. |
2015/05/10 |
Fluorometric biosniffer camera (gas-imaging system) with UV-LED excitation sheet for transdermal ethanol vapor from palm skin surface(4th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology)
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2015/05/10 |
Mouth guard biosensor for non-restraint monitoring of saliva glucose with telemetry system(4th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology)
50. |
2014/12/08 |
“Scent camera” for real-time imaging of breath (body) ethanol after alcohol drinking(DOS 2014, Tokyo, Japan)
51. |
2014/11/17 |
Gaseous ethanol imaging systemfrom human breath and skin for evaluation of alcohol metabolism(International Conference on BioSensors)
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2014/11/17 |
Mouth guard-type biosensor for monitoring of saliva glucose, International Conference on BioSensors(BioElectronics, BioMedical Devices, BioMEMS/NEMS and Applications (Bio4Apps) 2014)
53. |
2014/08/24 |
2-dimensional gaseous ethanol visualization system for noninvasive analysis of alcohol metabolism from exhaled human breath(IUMRS-ICA 2014)
54. |
2014/04/13 |
Optical imaging of breath ethanol using real time biochemical luminescence for evaluation of alcohol metabolic capability(EUROPT(R)ODE XII,Greece)
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2014/03/27 |
Direct imaging system of gaseous ethanol from exhaled human breath for non-invasive analysis of alcohol metabolism(Biosensors 2014)
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2013 |
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2012 |
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2010 |
A pressure control system based on biochemical reaction(Advanced Science)
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2010 |
Flexible glucose sensor with biocompatible polymer substrate(Advanced Science)
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2010 |
High revolution chemical motor with biocatalytic reaction(Advanced Science)