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2021/05/13 |
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2019/12 |
Cystadenocarcinoma of the Salivary Glands:Report of Two Cases(10th Taiwan-Japan Otolaryngology Head&Neck Conference (Taiwan))
3. |
2018/09 |
4. |
2018/05 |
5. |
2017/02 |
6. |
2016/09 |
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2016/03 |
A rare case of otomycosis by Coccidioides immitis(16th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (Tokyo))
8. |
2016/03 |
Analysis of IgG4 class switch-related molecules in IgG4-related chronic rhinosinusitis(16th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (Tokyo))
9. |
2015/12 |
An ulcerating Warthin's tumor that resulted with a formulation of a granulation tissue(13th Japan-Taiwan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery(Tokyo))
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2015/12 |
Anti-IgE therapy to Kimura's disease(13th Japan-Taiwan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery(Tokyo))
11. |
2015/06 |
Pediatric parotid gland cancer: Four cases reports(The joint meeting of 4th Congress of ASHNO 39th Annual Meeting of JSHNC(Kobe))
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2014/06 |
唾液腺疾患:最新の動向 (特別講演)(日本耳鼻咽喉科学会東京都地方部会第203回学術講演会(東京))
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2014/06 |
内視鏡下唾液腺手術 (セミナー)(第76回耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会学術講演会 (岩手))
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2014/04 |
唾液腺疾患:最新の話題 (特別講演)(第34回日本耳鼻咽喉科学会高知県地方部会総会並びに学術講演会(高知))
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2014/01 |
唾液腺疾患:最近の動向 (招待講演)(平成26年度日本医師会生涯教育講座 ( 愛知 ))
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2014/01 |
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2013/12 |
An analysis of 45 patients with recurrent pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland(12th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery(Taiwan))
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2013/12 |
Sialendoscopy for Salivary Gland Diseases.(12th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (Taiwan))
19. |
2013/12 |
The efficacy of low dose of oral M3 muscarinic receptor agonists in the treatment of xerostomia(12th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Taiwan))
20. |
2013/09 |
シェーグレン症候群の新しい診断基準を考える 3.耳鼻咽喉科の立場から (シンポジウム)(第22回日本シェーグレン症候群学会学術集会(大阪))
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2013/09 |
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2013/06 |
A paradigm shift in treatment of salivary glands? The recent advance of sialendoscopy on salivary glands surgery in Japan. (Panel discussion)(20th World Congress of the International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies. (Seoul, Korea))
23. |
2013/06 |
Correlation between 99MTCO4-uptakes and expression of human sodium iodide symporter gene expression in salivary gland tumors(20th World Congress of the International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (IFOS)(Seoul, Korea))
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2013/06 |
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2013/05 |
唾液腺疾患の病態解明と臨床 (日本耳鼻咽喉科学会宿題報告)(第114回日本耳鼻咽喉科学会総会・学術講演会(札幌))
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2013/02 |
IgG4関連疾患:Mikulicz病とKuttner腫瘍の臨床像について (シンポジウム)(第32回日本画像医学会(東京))
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2013/01 |
Salivary gland lesions in IgG4-related plasmacytic disease: Mikulicz’s disease and Küttner’s tumor("12th International Symposium on Sjogren's Syndrome (Kyoto)")
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2013/01 |
私が伝えたい匠の技―耳下腺領域の手術 (アドバンストコース)(第23回日本頭頸部外科学会総会並びに学術講演会(鹿児島))
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2012/07 |
唾液腺疾患の診断と治療(教育講演)(第38回日本耳鼻咽喉科学会夏期講習会 (長野))
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2012/03 |
Clinical aspects of diffuse salivary gland enlargement. (Plenary session)(3rd International Congress on Salivary Gland Diseases. (Geneva, Switzerland))
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2012/03 |
Difficulties at the start: Logistical problems. (Work shop)(1st International Sialendoscopy Conference. (Geneva, Switzerland))
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2012/03 |
唾液腺疾患の臨床:最近の動向 (特別講演)(第188回日本耳鼻咽喉科学会長野県地方部会(長野))
33. |
2011/12 |
Endoscopic Surgery for Salivary Gland Diseases. (invited speaker)(11th Japan-Taiwan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Kobe, Japan))
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2009/12 |
Clinical Study of Eosinophilic Granuloma of the Soft Tissue:kimura's Disease(10th Taiwan-Japan Otolaryngology Head&Neck Conference(Taiwan))
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2009/05 |
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2009/01 |
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2008/06 |
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2008/04 |
Manegement of major salivary gland cancer (seminar)(The 12 th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery(Nara))
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2008/04 |
Mikulicz's disease -a rare case not related to igG4 level-(The 12 th JAPAN-KOREA Joint Meeting of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Nara))
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2008/01 |
Surgery of Stensen's duct associated disease("12th International Sialendoscopy Hands-on Course (Geneva,Switzerland) ")
41. |
2007/11 |
Management of recurrent pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland(The 9th Japan-Taiwan Conference in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology,Head and Neck Surgery (Sendai))
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2007/06 |
43. |
2007/01 |
Clinical Investigation on Recurrent Pleomorphic Adenomas of the Parotid Gland("The Second International Congress on Salivary Gland Diseases Pittsburgh (U.S.A)")
44. |
2006/05 |
大唾液腺腫瘍の診断と治療 (セミナー)(第107回日本耳鼻咽喉科学会総会並びに学術講演会(東京))
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2004/05 |
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2001/09 |
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1997/03 |
Effects of gentamycin on melanosomes of the stria vascularis and vestibular dark cell areas: an ultrastructural study.(16th World Congress of Otorhinolaryngologyy Head Neck Surgery (Sydney, Australia))
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1991/09 |
Ultrastructural study of the tegmentum vasculosum and the endolymphatic sac in the developing chick inner ear(Sendai symposium on inner ear morphopathology (Sendai))
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1989/10 |
Ultrastructural and histochemical study of the neuromuscular junction in the denervated posterior cricoarytenoid muscle of the cat(6th World Congress of Bronchoesophagy (Tokyo))
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1989/09 |
Cytochemical localization of Na-K-ATPase activity in the developing tegmentum vasculosum of the chick(14th World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head Neck Surgery (Madrid Spain))
51. |
1986/01 |
Cytochemical localization of Na-K-ATPase in the inner ear(Joint Meeting of Texas Society for Electron Microscope (Houston, U.S.A))
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1980 |
1980年以降 国内特別講演・招待講演61、シンポ/パネル/セミナー15、国際シンポ/招待12 その他学会・研究会一般講演省略(国内/国際)