ナカムラ ヒデアキ   Hideaki Nakamura
  中村 秀明
   所属   学環 教養学環
   職種   専任講師
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2024/05
形態種別 学術論文
招待論文 招待あり
標題 "A chemiluminometric inorganic pyrophosphate ion assay using inorganic pyrophosphatase, pyruvate oxidase, and isoluminol for specific detection of E. coli RNA"
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry
出版社・発行元 Research Trends Ltd.
巻・号・頁 15,pp.45-51
総ページ数 7
担当区分 筆頭著者,責任著者
著者・共著者 Hideaki Nakamura*, Noriko Suzuki, Sachie Okubo, Koji Karasawa, Masaru Kato and Hidetoshi Arakawa
概要 In the present study, we tried to establish a new chemiluminometric inorganic pyrophosphate ion (CL-PPi) assay method by combining the advantages of the assay techniques that have been studied in each laboratory of Arakawa and Nakamura laboratories. Utilizing the CL-PPi assay, we attempted E. coli RNA (species-specific sequence in the 16S rRNA) detection through the NASBA reaction. In the CL-PPi assay, enzymatic IP-PO reactions employed for PPi catalysis and H2O2 production, H2O2 was subsequently detected by the CL reaction of isoluminol and m-POD.
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外部リンクURL http://www.researchtrends.net/tia/abstract.asp?in=0&vn=15&tid=30&aid=7305&pub=2023&type=3