アラカワ タカヒロ
  荒川 貴博
   所属   工学部 電気電子工学科
   職種   准教授
言語種別 日本語
発行・発表の年月 2024/07
形態種別 学術論文
査読 査読あり
標題 microRNAを定量検出する薄膜型pHセンサの開発
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines
出版社・発行元 電気学会
巻・号・頁 144(7),185-186頁
総ページ数 2
担当区分 責任著者
著者・共著者 Kazuya Suzuki, Miyuki Tabata, Yuji Miyahara, Takahiro Arakawa
概要 Quantification methods for microRNAs (miRNAs) are attracting attention, because miRNAs provide a potential biomarker in liquid biopsy. In this research, we developed an electrical monitoring device of nucleic acid amplification that is simpler than the conventional PCR method, combining an isothermal amplification method and a thin-film Iridium/Iridium oxide (Ir/IrOx) electrode. The fabricated Ir/IrOx electrode showed ideal Nernstian response under the various pH buffer solutions. Moreover, we successfully real-time monitored three-way junction primer generation-rolling circle amplification (3WJ-PGRCA) at the 0.01, 0.1 pM, Negative Control of target miRNA based on fluorescence detection. The fabricated Ir/IrOx electrode would be a promising liquid biopsy platform by detecting released proton during amplification reaction at the constant reaction temperature.
外部リンクURL https://doi.org/10.1541/ieejsmas.144.185