オオノ カンタ   OHNO Kanta
  大野 勘太
   所属   医療保健学部 リハビリテーション学科 作業療法学専攻
   職種   助教
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2016
形態種別 学術論文
査読 査読あり
標題 Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Occupation-Based Occupational Therapy Using the Aid for Decision Making in Occupation Choice (ADOC) for Older Residents: Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 PLoS One
出版社・発行元 Public Library of Science(PLOS)
巻・号・頁 11(3)
著者・共著者 Nagayama H, Tomori K, Ohno K, Takahashi K, Ogahara K, Sawada T, Uezu S, Nagatani R, Yamauchi K. (IF 3.057)
概要 This study aimed to evaluate if interventions based on occupation-based goal setting using the ADOC could focus on meaningful activities to improve quality of life and independent activities of daily living, with greater cost-effectiveness than an impairment-based approach as well as to evaluate the feasibility of conducting a large cluster, randomized controlled trial. In this single (assessor)-blind pilot cluster randomized controlled trial, the intervention group (ADOC group) received occupational therapy based on occupation-based goal setting using the ADOC. The control group underwent an impairment-based approach focused on restoring capacities, without goal setting tools. We randomized and analyzed 12 facilities, with 6 facilities each allocated to the ADOC (n = 23) and control (n = 21) groups. After the 4-month intervention, the ADOC group had a significantly greater change in the BI score, with improved scores. The results suggest that occupational therapy using the ADOC for older residents might be effective and cost-effective. We also found that conducting an RCT in the occupational therapy setting is feasible.担当部分:全般
DOI doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150374.
外部リンクURL https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0150374