1. |
2015/12/03 |
Motion learning of robot by reinforcement learning under POMDPs environments(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
2. |
2015/12/03 |
One-to-many association ability of chaotic quaternionic multidirectional associative memory --- relation between damping factors and one-to-many association ability ---(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
3. |
2015/12/03 |
Similarity-based image retrieval by self-organizing map with refractoriness --- new distance between image features ---(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
4. |
2015/09/07 |
Automatic melody generation considering motif using genetic algorithm(IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems)
5. |
2015/09/07 |
Chaotic quaternionic multidirectional associative memory with adaptive scaling factor of refractoriness(IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems)
6. |
2015/09/07 |
Search accuracy improvement in artwork retrieval based on similarity of touch(IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems)
7. |
2015/07/16 |
Self-organizing map-based probabilistic associative memory for sequential patterns(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
8. |
2015/07/13 |
Chaotic multidirectional associative memory with adaptive scaling factor of refractoriness(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
9. |
2015/03/18 |
10. |
2015/03/18 |
RBFネットワークを用いた風景画像中の人工物領域の特定における --- SIFT・LBP の利用による判定精度の向上 ---(情報処理学会第77回全国大会)
11. |
2015/03/18 |
12. |
2015/03/18 |
13. |
2015/03/18 |
不応性を有する自己組織化特徴マップによる類似画像検索 --- 類似度の計算方法変更による検索精度の向上 ---,(情報処理学会第77回全国大会)
14. |
2015/03/18 |
不応性を有する自己組織化特徴マップを用いた音楽検索 --- くし形フィルタによる音高推定の実現 ---(情報処理学会第77回全国大会)
15. |
2015/03/18 |
16. |
2015/03/17 |
17. |
2015/03/17 |
18. |
2015/03/17 |
19. |
2015/03/17 |
20. |
2014/12 |
Automatic melody generation considering user's evaluation using interactive genetic algorithm(International Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning)
21. |
2014/12 |
Walking motion learning of quadrupedal walking robot by profit sharing that can learn deterministic policy for POMDPs environments(International Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning)
22. |
2014/11 |
One-to-many association ability of chaotic quaternionic multidirectonal associative memory(International Conference on Neural Information Processing)
23. |
2014/11 |
Self-organizing map-based probabilistic associative memory(International Conference on Neural Information Processing)
24. |
2014/11 |
カオス四元数多方向連想メモリにおける1対多の想起能力の検討(計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門学術講演会)
25. |
2014/09 |
Chaotic quaternionic multidirectonal associative memory(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
26. |
2014/09 |
Image (artwork) retrieval based on similarity of touch by self-organizing map with refractoriness(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
27. |
2014/09 |
Melody retrieval by self-organizing map with refractoriness from key phrase given by MIDI keyboard(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
28. |
2014/09 |
Similarity-based image retrieval considering shape and texture by self-organizing map with refractoriness(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
29. |
2014/07 |
Automatic melody generation considering chord progression by genetic algorithm(World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing)
30. |
2014/07 |
Fall avoidance of bipedal walking robot by profit sharing that can learn deterministic policy for POMDPs environments(World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing)
31. |
2014/03/13 |
POMDPs環境のための決定的政策を学習するProfit Sharingによるアーム型ロボットの行動学習(情報処理学会第76回全国大会)
32. |
2014/03/13 |
POMDPs環境のための決定的政策を学習するProfit Sharingによる四足歩行ロボットの歩行モーションの獲得(情報処理学会第76回全国大会)
33. |
2014/03/13 |
POMDPs環境のための決定的政策を学習するProfit Sharingによる二足歩行ロボットの姿勢制御(情報処理学会第76回全国大会)
34. |
2014/03/13 |
35. |
2014/03/13 |
36. |
2014/03/12 |
37. |
2014/03/12 |
38. |
2014/03/12 |
39. |
2014/03/11 |
40. |
2014/03/11 |
41. |
2014/03/11 |
42. |
2013/11/05 |
Generalization Ability of Chaotic Complex-Valued Multidirectional Associative Memory with Adaptive Scaling Factor(International Conference on Neural Information Processing)
43. |
2013/10/15 |
Profit Sharing that can Learn Deterministic Policy for POMDPs Environment s by Kohonen Feature Map Associative Memory(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
44. |
2013/10/14 |
Pattern Separation Ability in Chaotic Quaternionic Associative Memory(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
45. |
2013/10/14 |
Similarity-based Image Retrieval considering Size and Color of Artifacts by Self-Organizing Map with Refractoriness(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
46. |
2013/09/10 |
Emotion Generation System considering Complex Emotion based on MaC Model with Neural Networks(International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks)
47. |
2013/08/06 |
Chaotic Complex-Valued Multidirectional Associative Memory with Adaptive Scaling Factor(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
48. |
2013/03/28 |
49. |
2013/03/08 |
50. |
2013/03/08 |
51. |
2013/03/08 |
52. |
2013/03/08 |
53. |
2013/03/08 |
不応性を有する自己組織化特徴マップによる人工物の色の割合や位置のずれを 考慮した類似画像検索(情報処理学会第75回全国大会)
54. |
2013/03/08 |
55. |
2013/03/08 |
不応性を有する自己組織化特徴マップによる複数の画像をキーにした類似画像 検索---RBFネットワークを用いた人工物領域判定の自動化---(情報処理学会第75回全国大会)
56. |
2013/03/07 |
57. |
2013/03/07 |
58. |
2013/03/07 |
不応性を有する自己組織化特徴マップを用いた音楽検索 ~ フレーズ内での位置のずれを考慮した検索 ~(情報処理学会第75回全国大会)
59. |
2013/03/06 |
POMDPs環境のための決定的政策を学習するProfit SharingのKFM連想メモリによる実現(情報処理学会第75回全国大会)
60. |
2013/03/06 |
61. |
2013/03/06 |
62. |
2013/03/06 |
63. |
2013/03/06 |
時系列パターンのためのニューロンの追加が可能な領域表現を用いた高速KFM連想メモリ\ を用いた強化学習による探索行動の学習(情報処理学会第75回全国大会)
64. |
2013/02/12 |
Hybrid genetic algorithm by simulated evolution using 2-opt method(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
65. |
2013/02/12 |
Similarity-based image retrieval considering position fluctuation by self-organizing map with refractoriness(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
66. |
2013/02/12 |
Variable-sized Kohonen feature map probabilistic associative memory for sequential patterns(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
67. |
2012/10 |
Evacuation simulation in university buildings using multiagent system(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
68. |
2012/10 |
Office layout plan evaluation system using evacuation simulation considering other agents' action(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
69. |
2012/10 |
Office layout support system for polygonal space using interactive genetic algorithm -- generation of layout plans for workspace --(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
70. |
2012/10 |
Office layout support system for polygonal space using interactive genetic algorithm -- generation of room arrangement plans --(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
71. |
2012/10 |
Similarity-based image retrieval considering artifacts from a part of images by self-organizing map with refractoriness(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
72. |
2012/10 |
Similarity-based image retrieval considering artifacts from plural key images by self-organizing map with refractoriness(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
73. |
2012/10 |
Variable-sized fast Kohonen feature map associative memory using area representation for sequential patterns -- association ability for sequential patterns including common terms --(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
74. |
2012/09 |
Variable-sized Kohonen feature map probabilistic associative memory(International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks)
75. |
2012/06 |
Automatic composition system using genetic algorithm and N-gram model consideri\ ng melody blocks(IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation)
76. |
2012/06 |
Chaotic quaternionic associative memory(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
77. |
2012/06 |
Pattern dependency of one-to-many association ability in chaotic complex-valued multidirectional associative memory with variable scaling factor(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
78. |
2012/03 |
79. |
2012/03 |
Profit Sharingを用いたぷよぷよの学習(情報処理学会第74回全国大会)
80. |
2012/03 |
81. |
2012/03 |
82. |
2012/03 |
83. |
2012/03 |
84. |
2012/03 |
85. |
2012/03 |
86. |
2012/03 |
87. |
2012/03 |
88. |
2012/03 |
89. |
2012/03 |
90. |
2012/03 |
不応性を有する自己組織化特徴マップによる人工物領域を考慮した類似画像検 索ー画像の特徴量の変更による検索精度の向上ー(情報処理学会第74回全国大会)
91. |
2012/03 |
92. |
2011/11/09 |
時間的に変化する不応性のパラメータを有するカオス複素多方向連想メモリの1対多の想起能力の検討(電子情報通信学会 非線形問題研究会)
93. |
2011/10/11 |
Automatic composition system using genetic algorithm and N-gram model -- Influence of N in N-gram model --(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
94. |
2011/10/11 |
Identification of artifacts in scenery images using color and line information by RBF network -- Segmentation by K-means algorithm and edge information --(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
95. |
2011/10/11 |
Similarity-based image retrieval considering artifacts by self-organizing map with refractoriness -- Image segmentation by K-means algorithm --(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
96. |
2011/10/11 |
Variable-sized fast Kohonen feature map associative memory using area representation for sequential patterns(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
97. |
2011/10/10 |
Profit sharing that can learn deterministic policy for POMDPs environments(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
98. |
2011/10/10 |
Reinforcement learning by improved Kohonen feature map probabilistic associative memory based on weights distribution using extended eligibility(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
99. |
2011/09/30 |
時間的に変化する不応性のパラメータを有するカオス複素 多方向連想メモリ(計測自動制御学会コンピューテーショナル・インテリジェンス研究会)
100. |
2011/09/06 |
One-to-many association ability of chaotic complex-valued multidirectional associative memory(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
101. |
2011/09/06 |
Relation between recall frequency of stored patterns and energy in chaotic neural network(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
102. |
2011/09/06 |
Similarity-based image retrieval considering color of artifacts by self-organizing map with refractoriness(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
103. |
2011/09/05 |
Automatic composition system based on genetic algorithm and N-gram model considering chord progression(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
104. |
2011/08/02 |
Chaotic complex-valued multidirectional associa tive memory with variable scaling factor -- One-to-many association ability --(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
105. |
2011/08/01 |
Melody retrieval by self-organizing map with refrac toriness which has robustness for fluctuation of key input(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
106. |
2011/07/01 |
不応性を有する自己組織化特徴マップによる人工物領域の色情報を考慮した類似画像検索(電子情報通信学会 非線形問題研究会)
107. |
2011/06/16 |
Chaotic complex-valued multidirectional associa tive memory with variable scaling factor(International Conferen ce on Artificial Neural Networks)
108. |
2011/03/04 |
109. |
2011/03/04 |
110. |
2011/03/02 |
RBFネットワークを用いた風景画像中の人工物領域の特定 --K平均法とエッジを用いた領域分割による精度の向上--(情報処理学会第73回全国大会)
111. |
2011/03/02 |
112. |
2011/03/02 |
113. |
2011/03/02 |
遺伝的アルゴリズムとNグラムモデルを用いた自動作曲システム --評価方法の改善とNの値による違いの検討--(情報処理学会第73回全国大会)
114. |
2011/03/02 |
115. |
2011/03/02 |
不応性を有する自己組織化特徴マップによる人工物領域を考慮した類似画像検索 --人工物領域の色情報を考慮した検索--(情報処理学会第73回全国大会)
116. |
2011/03/02 |
117. |
2010/12/17 |
Identification of artifacts in scenery images using color and line information by RBF network and K-means(World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing)
118. |
2010/12/17 |
Office layout plan evaluation system using evacuation simulation with communication among agents(World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing)
119. |
2010/12/15 |
Office layout support system using genetic algorithm -- generation of layout plans for polygonal space --(World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing)
120. |
2010/12/15 |
Similarity-based image retrieval considering artifacts by self-organizing map with refractoriness -- artifacts extraction by RBF network ---(World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing)
121. |
2010/11/24 |
Fast Kohonen feature map associative memory using area representation for sequential analog patterns(International Conference on Neural Information Processing)
122. |
2010/11/23 |
Reinforcement learning by KFM probabilistic associative memory based on weights distribution and area neuron increase and decrease(International Conference on Neural Information Processing)
123. |
2010/09/14 |
124. |
2010/09/08 |
Office layout support system using genetic algorithm -- generation of room arrangement plans for polygonal space --(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
125. |
2010/09/06 |
Kohonen feature map probabilistic associative memory based on weights distribution and area neuron increase and decrease(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
126. |
2010/09/06 |
Reinforcement learning using improved Kohonen feature map probabilistic associative memory based on weights distribution(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
127. |
2010/07/19 |
Improved Kohonen feature map probabilistic associative memory based on weights distribution(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
128. |
2010/05/27 |
Improved divided chaotic associative memory for successive learning(IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems)
129. |
2010/03 |
POMDPs環境における状態の訪問履歴を用いたProfit Sharingによる強化学習(情報処理学会第72回全国大会)
130. |
2010/03 |
RBFネットワークを用いた風景画像中の人工物領域の特定 −K平均法による領域分割−(情報処理学会第72回全国大会)
131. |
2010/03 |
132. |
2010/03 |
遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたオフィスレイアウト支援システム −多角形状スペースへの対応−(情報処理学会第72回全国大会)
133. |
2010/03 |
134. |
2010/03 |
135. |
2010/03 |
136. |
2010/03 |
137. |
2010/03 |
138. |
2010/03 |
139. |
2010/02 |
Chaotic complex-valued multidirectional associative memory(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
140. |
2010/02 |
Kohonen feature map probabilistic associative memory based on weights distribution(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
141. |
2009/10 |
Chaotic complex-valued bidirectional associative memory -- one-to-many association ability --(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
142. |
2009/10 |
Emotion generation system based on MaC model with neural networks(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
143. |
2009/10 |
Generation of roles in reinforcement learning considering redistribution of reward between agents(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
144. |
2009/10 |
Office layout plan evaluation system for normal use and emergency by multiagent(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
145. |
2009/10 |
Realization of reinforcement learning using multi-winners KFM associative memory(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
146. |
2009/10 |
Reinforcement learning using Kohonen feature map probabilistic associative Memory based on weights distribution(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
147. |
2009/10 |
Variable-sized KFM associative memory with refractoriness based on area representation(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
148. |
2009/09 |
Improved Kohonen feature map associative memory with area representation for sequential analog patterns(International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks)
149. |
2009/06 |
Chaotic complex-valued bidirectional associative memory(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
150. |
2009/06 |
Identification of artifacts in scenery images using color and line information by RBF network(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
151. |
2009/06 |
Similarity-based image retrieval considering artifacts by self-organizing map with refractoriness(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
152. |
2009/03 |
153. |
2009/03 |
154. |
2009/03 |
155. |
2009/03 |
156. |
2009/03 |
157. |
2009/03 |
158. |
2009/03 |
159. |
2009/03 |
遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたオフィスレイアウト支援システム -解探索能力の向上-(情報処理学会第71回全国大会)
160. |
2009/03 |
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2009/03 |
162. |
2009/03 |
163. |
2009/03 |
164. |
2009/03 |
複数のフロアを考慮したレイアウト案の生成が可能な対話型遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたオフィスレイアウト支援システム - レイアウト案の生成 -(情報処理学会第71回全国大会)
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2009/03 |
複数のフロアを考慮したレイアウト案の生成が可能な対話型遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたオフィスレイアウト支援システム -フロア分割案の生成-(情報処理学会第71回全国大会)
166. |
2009/03 |
複数勝者KFM連想メモリを用いた強化学習の実現 (2)(情報処理学会第71回全国大会)
167. |
2009/03 |
168. |
2008/11 |
Divided chaotic associative memory for successive learning(International Conference on Neural Information Processing)
169. |
2008/11 |
Office layout plan evaluation system by multiagent(International Conference on Neural Information Processing)
170. |
2008/11 |
Office layout support system considering floor using interactive genetic algorithm(International Conference on Neural Information Processing)
171. |
2008/11 |
Reinforcement learning using Kohonen feature map associaitive memory with refractoriness based on area representation(International Conference on Neural Information Processing)
172. |
2008/10 |
Automatic composition system based on genetic algorithm and N-gram model(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
173. |
2008/10 |
Identification of artifacts in scenery images using color and line information(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
174. |
2008/10 |
Improved Kohonen feature map associative memory with refractoriness based on area representation(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
175. |
2008/06 |
Knowledge processing system using Kohonen feature map associative memory with refractoriness based on area representation(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
176. |
2008/06 |
Kohonen feature map associative memory with area representation for sequential analog patterns(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
177. |
2008/06 |
Melody retrieval by self-organizing map with refractoriness(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
178. |
2008/06 |
Similarity-based image retrieval from plural key images by self-organizing map with refractoriness(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
179. |
2008/03 |
Chaotic neural network with time delay term for sequential patterns(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
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2008/03 |
181. |
2008/03 |
182. |
2008/03 |
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2008/03 |
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2008/03 |
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2008/03 |
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2008/03 |
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2008/03 |
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2008/03 |
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2008/03 |
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2008/03 |
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2008/03 |
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2008/03 |
193. |
2008/03 |
194. |
2008/02 |
Implementation of association of one-to-many associations and the analog pattern in Kohonen feature map associative memory with area representation(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
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2008/02 |
Improved chaotic associative memory for successive learning(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
196. |
2007/09 |
Chaotic complex-valued associative memory(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
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2007/09 |
Kohonen feature map associative memory with area representation for sequential patterns(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
198. |
2007/09 |
Relation between recall frequency of stored patterns and their basin size in chaotic neural network(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
199. |
2007/08 |
Chaotic neural network with time delay term(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
200. |
2007/08 |
Similarity-based image retrieval by self-organizing map with refractoriness(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
201. |
2007/07 |
Office layout support system considering floor using genetic algorithm(IASTED Computational Intelligence)
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2007/03 |
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2007/03 |
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2007/03 |
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2007/03 |
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2007/03 |
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2007/03 |
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2007/03 |
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2007/03 |
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2007/03 |
211. |
2007/03 |
212. |
2006/09 |
Improved hetero chaotic associative memory for successive learning with multi-winners competition(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
213. |
2006/08 |
Office layout support system considering usage using interactive genetic algorithme layout support system considering usage using interactive genetic algorithm(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing)
214. |
2006/07 |
Hetero chaotic associative memory for successive learning with multi-winners competition(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
215. |
2006/07 |
Office layout support system using interactive genetic algorithme layout support system using interactive genetic algorithm(IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation)
216. |
2006/07 |
Self-organizing map with refractoriness and its application to image retrieval(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
217. |
2006/03 |
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2006/03 |
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2006/03 |
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2006/03 |
221. |
2006/03 |
222. |
2006/03 |
223. |
2006/03 |
224. |
2006/02 |
Document clustering based on similarity of subjects using integrated subject graph(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
225. |
2006/02 |
Hetero chaotic associative memory for successive learning with give up function --- One-to-many associations ---(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
226. |
2006/02 |
Kohonen feature map associative memory with area representation(IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
227. |
2005/10 |
Hetero chaotic associative memory for successive learning and action study of robot(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
228. |
2005/09 |
Office layout support system using island model genetic algorithm(IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation)
229. |
2005/08 |
Chaotic associative memory using distributed patterns for image retrieval by color and shape information(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
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2005/03 |
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2005/03 |
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2005/03 |
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2005/03 |
234. |
2004/11 |
Office layout support system using genetic algorithm(International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology)
235. |
2004/07 |
Chaotic associative memory using distributed patterns for image retrieval by shape information(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
236. |
2004/06 |
Anatomical Data of Synaptic Connectivity of C. elegans are Almost Perfectly Self-contained(2004 East Asia Worm Meeting)
237. |
2004/03 |
C. elegansの新しい神経回路データベース(日本物理学会第59回年次大会)
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2004/03 |
239. |
2004/03 |
240. |
2004/02 |
Chaotic associative memory using distributed patterns for image retrieval -- Distance between patterns and recall ability --(IASTED Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence)
241. |
2003/07 |
Improved chaotic associative memory using distributed patterns for image retrieval(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
242. |
2003/06 |
Neuronal Circuit and Native Responses of C. elegans(The 14th International C. elegans Conference)
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2003/03 |
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2003/03 |
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2003/03 |
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2003/03 |
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2003/03 |
248. |
2003/03 |
249. |
2002/10 |
A solution of the binding problem for unstored patterns with chaotic neurodynamics(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
250. |
2002/08 |
Revision of synaptic connectivity database(第3回 C. elegans日本集会)
251. |
2002/07 |
Chaotic associative memory using distributed patterns for image retrieval(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
252. |
2002/07 |
Recall and separation ability of chaotic associative memory with variable scaling factor(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
253. |
2001/10 |
A solution of the binding problem with chaotic neurodynamics(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
254. |
2001/09 |
255. |
2001/07 |
Chaotic analog associative memory(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
256. |
2001/03 |
257. |
2000/11 |
Chaotic associative memory for Procedural Knowledge(International Conference on Neural Information Processing)
258. |
2000/11 |
Divided chaotic associative memory for successive learning using internal patterns(International Conference on Neural Information Processing)
259. |
2000/10 |
Chaotic associative memory for successive learning using internal patterns(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
260. |
2000/10 |
Reinforcement learning algorithm with network extension(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
261. |
2000/09 |
Successive learning for chaotic associative memory(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
262. |
2000/09 |
線虫 C.elegans のロコモーション回路におけるシナプス結合の極性(日本物理学会第55回年会)
263. |
2000/09 |
線虫の神経回路網における興奮性/抑制性結合に関する解析 III(日本物理学会第55回年会)
264. |
2000/08 |
Geometrical structure of the neural network of C. elegans(第2回 C. elegans日本集会)
265. |
2000/08 |
Overall morphology of the C.elegans neural circuit(第2回 C. elegans日本集会)
266. |
2000/08 |
Structure of neuron graph and native response of C. elegans(第2回 C. elegans日本集会)
267. |
2000/08 |
Study of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections in neural circuit for touch-induced and tap responses(第2回 C. elegans日本集会)
268. |
2000/07 |
Knowledge processing system using improved chaotic associative memory(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
269. |
2000/05 |
Numerical study on excitatory and inhibitory pathways in neural network of C.elegans(Third East Asian Biophysics Symposium)
270. |
2000/03 |
A neural network model for mechanical stimuli in C.elegans -- excitatory/inhibitory connections and habituation --(CCEP International Workshop 2000, Nervous System and Behavior of C.elegans -- for Studies of Biological Information Systems --)
271. |
2000/03 |
Geometrical structure of the neural network of Caenorhabditis elegans(CCEP International Workshop 2000, Nervous System and Behavior of C.elegans -- for Studies of Biological Information Systems --)
272. |
2000/03 |
The overall morphology of the C.elegans neural circuit(CCEP International Workshop 2000, Nervous System and Behavior of C.elegans -- for Studies of Biological Information Systems --)
273. |
2000/03 |
274. |
2000/03 |
線線虫の神経回路網における興奮性/抑制性結合に関する解析 II虫の神経回路網における興奮性/抑制性結合に関する解析 II(日本物理学会春の分科会)
275. |
2000/03 |
線虫 C.elegans 神経回路網の構造解析(日本物理学会春の分科会)
276. |
2000/03 |
277. |
2000/03 |
線虫の機械刺激に関するニューラルネットワークモデル -- シナプスの興奮性/抑制性に関する検討 --(日本物理学会春の分科会)
278. |
2000/03 |
279. |
2000/03 |
線虫全神経回路網シミュレーション (CCEP計画) III -- C. elegansの神経回路と生得的反応(日本物理学会春の分科会)
280. |
2000/03 |
281. |
1999/11 |
Analogical reasoning by chaotic associative memory using internal patterns(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
282. |
1999/11 |
283. |
1999/10 |
284. |
1999/10 |
285. |
1999/09 |
286. |
1999/09 |
287. |
1999/09 |
288. |
1999/09 |
289. |
1999/09 |
線虫全神経回路網シミュレーション (CCE計画) II: C. elegans 神経系の物理的解析とその生物学的解釈(日本物理学会秋の分科会)
290. |
1999/07 |
Chaotic associative memory for sequential patterns(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
291. |
1999/07 |
Knowledge processing system using chaotic associative memory(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
292. |
1999/07 |
Solving the binding problem with feature integration theory(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
293. |
1999/06 |
Analysis of neuronal connectivity of C. elegans using random walker(12th International C. elegans Meeting)
294. |
1999/06 |
Application of the random walker model to studies of a neural system of C. elegans(12th International C. elegans Meeting)
295. |
1999/06 |
Neural network model for touch sensitivity in Caenorhabditiselegans(12th International C. elegans Meeting)
296. |
1999/03 |
297. |
1999/03 |
線虫全神経回路網シミュレーション (CCE計画)I(日本物理学会第54回年会)
298. |
1999/03 |
299. |
1998/12 |
300. |
1998/10 |
Chaotic episodic associative memory(IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics)
301. |
1998/09 |
Improved chaotic associative memory for various associations(International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
302. |
1998/05 |
Separation of superimposed pattern and many-to-many associations by chaotic neural networks(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
303. |
1998/05 |
Successive learning in chaotic neural network(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
304. |
1998/05 |
Successive learning in hetero-associative memories using chaotic neural networks(IEEE and INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)
305. |
1998/03 |
306. |
1997/06 |
Chaotic multidirectional associative memory(IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks)
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1997/03 |
308. |
1996/06 |
Chaotic bidirectional associative memory(IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks)
309. |
1996/03/18 |