1. |
1983/05 |
水中運動療法の紹介(第18回 日本理学療法学会)
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1984/05 |
水中運動療法の紹介(第2報) -ハリビック法を中心として-(第19回 日本理学療法学会)
3. |
1987/05 |
脊髄損傷痙性麻痺への機能的電気刺激療法(第22回 日本理学療法学会)
4. |
1987/05 |
片麻痺に対する水中運動療法(第22回 日本理学療法学会)
5. |
1995/05 |
Thresholdによる呼吸訓練中の呼吸パターンについて(第30回 日本理学療法学会)
6. |
1995/05 |
難病在宅リハビリテーションの現状と課題(第30回 日本理学療法学会)
7. |
1996/05 |
FLUTTERを用いた呼吸訓練法の有用性の検討(第31回 日本理学療法学会)
8. |
1996/05 |
呼吸負荷の違いによる胸郭および腹部運動の検討(第31回 日本理学療法学会)
9. |
1996/05 |
社会人入学試験合格者のその後の成績(第31回 日本理学療法学)
10. |
1997/05 |
FLUTTERを用いた呼吸訓練法の持続的効果の検討(第32回 日本理学療法学会)
11. |
1997/07 |
呼吸・排痰訓練器FLUTTERの効果と訓練時の問題点(第7回 日本呼吸管理学会)
12. |
1997/07 |
万歩計の信頼性の検討(第7回 日本呼吸管理学会)
13. |
1999/05 |
胸郭運動の呼吸様式による違い -3次元解析を用いて-(第34回 日本理学療法学会)
14. |
2000/05 |
オーストラリアの 理学療法教育(第35回 日本理学療法学会)
15. |
2000/05 |
前鋸筋の持続的等尺性筋収縮中における肩甲骨の3次元動作解析と筋疲労(第35回 日本理学療法学会)
16. |
2002/05 |
体幹運動時の呼吸 リズム(第37回 日本理学療法学会)
17. |
2002/05 |
留年,退学した学生の分析(第37回 日本理学療法学会)
18. |
2003/05 |
授業内実習における臨床推論に関する指導方法の検討(第39回 日本理学療法学会)
19. |
2003/06 |
Respiratory rhythm during different repeated movement(15th Congress of World Confederation of Physical Therapy)
20. |
2005/05 |
直立位・体幹前屈位における努力性呼気と体幹・下肢筋活動(第41回 日本理学療法学会)
21. |
2007/11 |
Sagittal Kinematics and Muscular Activities of Torso and Hip during Trunk Flexion and Extension.(16th Congress of World Confederation of Physical Therapy)
22. |
2009/12/13 |
23. |
2010/06/17 |
Dynamic analysis of artificially induce stumbling gait.(The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology.)
24. |
2010/06/17 |
Effects of high heels walking on kinematic and kinetic parameters during stair ascent and descent.(The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology.)
25. |
2011/07/05 |
Sagittal Kinematics of the Lumbar Spine and Pelvis while Walking on High Heels.(The XXIII Congress of International Society of Biomechanics)
26. |
2011/07/05 |
The biomechanical effects of shoe heel height - Ankle range of motion - .(The XXIII Congress of International Society of Biomechanics)
27. |
2012/03/07 |
Development of a 3-D rotation ankle motion deviceto chronic pain management in patients using a wheelchiar(28th international Seating symposium)
28. |
2012/07/19 |
Kinematic characteristics of the Lumbar and Pelvis while walking and go downstairs on High Heels.(The XIX International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology)
29. |
2012/07/19 |
Relationship between the EMG characteristics and center of pressure of the foot during stair descent wearing shoes with different heel heel heighrs.(The XIX International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology)
30. |
2012/07/19 |
The biomechanical effectsof shoe heelheight - the joint moment of hip external rotation-(The XIX Internationa Society of Electrophsiology and Kinesiology)
31. |
2012/09/29 |
32. |
2012/10/06 |
33. |
2013/08/13 |
Kinematic and kinetic characteristics of a new microprocessor-controlled prosthetic Genium knee.(Conference of Nordic Ergonomics Society)
34. |
2014/07/17 |
Kinematic and kinetic characteristics of human lower extremities during walking on cross-slope.(The International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology,XX)
35. |
2015/07/14 |
Does the different location of the weight in the backpack cause human gait?(XXV Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics)
36. |
2016/10/07 |
Exploatory Reaseach into Clinical Reasoning(Asian Congress of Physical Therapy)
37. |
2017/07/24 |
Effect of different backpack weights on the joints in slope and level walking.(XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics,)
38. |
2018/07/01 |
Investigation of the parasympathetic nervous system response with measuring R-R interval of pulse using wrist-watch during different jogging.(International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, 2018)
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2018/07/02 |
Dynamic gait analysis with two types of knee orthosis in healthy adults.(International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, 2018)
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2019/08/01 |
Investigation of trunk movement with different load location in the initial phase of gait(ISB/ASB 2019)
41. |
2020/08 |
ハイヒール歩行中、かかとの前後位置の違いが下肢に与える影響(ISEK 2020)
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2022/06/23 |
Influence of lumbar alignment and masseter activity during stance posture on forward stepping motion(INternational Society of Electrophysiology and kinesiology XXIV in Quebec)
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2022/06/23 |
The effect of the peculiar shape of Japanese wooden clogs (Geta) on gait(INternational Society of Electrophysiology and kinesiology XXIV in Quebec)